These are the eastern lands of this tale, with the city of Tranith Argan on the northern end of the Lofty Mountain range, just southeast of Larmoth Bay and the Straits of Arenar.
Brindledown, where the action begins, is in the northeast corner of Lake Brindle, near the southernmost part of the mountain range.
These are the western lands of this tale, with the home of the elves, Elaria, in the northeastern corner of the map, and the Elven Plain lying to its south.
Much of books three and four will involve crossing the Great Plain, and Mount Majestic will play a key role in the tale.
The saarks (who you will meet in book two, and especially in book three onward) live in the Red Mountains to the west of this map.
If you want to see both maps put together side by side so you can see the whole world, here you go:
You really planned this out a la Tolkien...
I'm enjoying this so far, and was relieved to discover there were maps! Such a big help to the reader. And a sign that the author is serious about this.